February 18th God Squad Lobster Dinner - See "More" for details
February 18th God Squad Lobster Dinner - See "More" for details
To bring the TV Mass into your home, there are technical-production costs, closed-captioning fees, distribution expenses, TV station airtime charges, Mass missals and administrative costs. Your donations helps Father Harry celebrating the TV Mass to continue this important ministry to those who cannot attend a liturgy at their parish.
Like basket passed in the pews at a parish church, the TV Mass must ask for help to stay on the air.
Remembering the TV Mass in your Estate Plan would greatly help Father Harry keep the TV Mass into the future.
Monsignor Harry Schlitt, like Odysseus, traveled on epic journey's, faced many temptations, obstacles and tests. He was between a rock and a hard place far too often, failed, displayed weakness, but always returned to his Church. 'I'll Never Tell' is a 2017 "Independent Press Award " winning book.
Father Harry is a survivor from that tsunami of more than 400,000 priests who left the ministry in the aftermath of Vatican II. In this vividly expressive memoir, Monsignor Schlitt relates the stories of priest friends who made this painful decision. He does so in a spirit of understanding and fraternity. Innumerable lay people who have benefitted from Monsignor Schlitt's priestly ministries are likewise grateful that he remained active in the vocation that has defined his life.
Consider a donation to the TV Mass to help us continue to bring the Mass to your television screen.
Looking for a good book? Buy Father Harry's book ~ "I'll Never Tell"
Please go to the "MORE" menu at the top of the page. 'Click' to the pull-down area for the 'Donate' to give a donation to the TV Mass -or- to buy 'Father Harry's book - "I'll Never Tell"\